Kids Camp

Camp Director: Steven Ayers

I am very excited about camp this year. I can honestly say camp is my favorite week of the year. I grew up going to camp every year. Then as I got older, I started working at camps. We always have a lot of fun with creative games and great food. The most important part of camp is of course the opportunity we have to share the gospel of Jesus with each and every kid that comes to camp.

Join Us June 16th-20th

About Camp

Bible Time

Each day we will have bible lessons from Pastor Keith Hamilton and the kids will have one on one time with their counselors.

Talent Show

There will be a talent show so bring any items that you need.


From mini-games like putting puzzles together to dodgeball. There are games for everyone to get involved.


There is a pool onsite. Swim tests are done for each child on the first day.

Great Food

We have wonderful cooks that serve great food for the kids.

Snack Shack

Kids can bring money to buy snacks at the snack shack.

What do I need to bring?

Things to Bring:

-Sleeping bag/pillow

-Personal bathing & grooming items (towels, soap, toothpaste, etc.)

-Shower shoes, sunscreen, bug repellant, fashlight, extra clothes, swim shirts, shoes, knee length shorts. (please no tank tops, halter tops or tight fitting clothing.

-Money for the “snack shack”

Things Not to Bring:

-Cell phones or any other electronic device. (Emergency contact number will be given at the time of departure)

-Knives, matches or any “prank” related item.

– Valuable items (We will not be held responsible for lost or damaged items).

– If medication is needed, please turn it in to the camp staff and give instructions for it.


We are excited to have Bro. Dallas Brown preaching for us this year. He is a missionary to Burkino Faso, West Afirca. I look forward to the messages he will bring for the kids as well as the counselors.

Camp Registration

Cost is $150 for each camper.

Photo Gallery