Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. At least that’s what the song says. During this season, I find myself hearing a Christmas song or thinking of a song such as the one referenced above, and it is on my mind all day long. Just as we get a song in our heads, I want us to hold on to three ‘P’s about Christmas. Over and over, I want us to remember three words about Christmas, keeping in mind Christmas is about Christ.

  1. Our first word for today is Promise. Matthew 1:22 tells us, “Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying.” The prophet that is referenced is Isaiah and the address is 7:14. Seven hundred years before Jesus was born, this promise was made by God. But this isn’t the only promise God had for us, there are hundreds. The old hymn “Standing on the Promises” teaches this truth. This Sunday, open a hymn book at church and read the words to this great song. These words will drive this great truth deep into our soul. God makes promises and intends to keep each one.
  2. Word number two is Proof. Matthew 2:1, “Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea…” God promised seven centuries earlier and on that first Christmas morning fulfilled the promise. Two quick thoughts come to mind. It is impossible for God to lie. That’s what the bible tells us in Hebrews 6:18. We are promised in many places that Jesus will save us, he will keep us, and he will come again for us. God delivered on hundreds of promises and the proof was in the person of Jesus Christ.
  3. Our last word is Peace. Isaiah 9:6 when speaking of the coming Messiah declared him to be “Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” There has never been a peace like the peace of Christ. When Christ comes into our hearts, anxiety goes away and comfort and tranquility reign supreme. When the world around us is exploding, both literally and metaphorically, God’s people can be secure in the “peace which passes all understanding” (Philippians 4:7).

The pod has three ‘P’s. Do you remember them? If not, practice them right now. Promise, Proof and Peace. Promise, Proof and Peace. Say those words over and over. All three words fit great in this wonderful season, if we will remember them.