Every Christmas, for as long as I can remember, stories in the media tell us about thieves that steal the baby Jesus at Nativity scenes. It has gotten to the place where I just expect it. It happened again just this week. While thinking about this, the thought that came to mind was, “Who do these people think they are accountable to?” I believe the majority does not think about that at all. Some do it to irritate while others might do it out of hate. There is a growing number of people in the United States that want Christians to be underground or at least out of the public square. Secularism reigns supreme in most circles of power and prestige. Religious observances are watered down and the focus changed dramatically. A few days ago, I was picking up prescriptions at a local pharmacy. One of the workers, a Christian, told me about a conversation she’d had with a coworker. “Merry Christmas. Do you have plans for Christmas?” The response, “No, it’s just another day.” I responded, “That’s sad to be that empty.” We need to remember that for two thousand years people have had different reactions to Christ. Some positive and some negative. If you read Matthew and Luke, you will find eight people or groups. Each had a different reaction directed toward the baby Jesus. I’ll quickly list them.

  1. Herod. He was called “Herod the Great.” It was because he was a tremendous builder. In his personal life he was anything but great. His reaction to Jesus was hatred. He sought to kill him. Matthew 2:16.
  2. Sanhedrin. These were the religious leaders living in Jerusalem. They were responsible for the religious welfare of the nation. They knew that Messiah would be born in Bethlehem of Judea (Micah 5:2), but the reaction they had was rejection. They were six miles from the Christ. We know they knew where the Messiah would be born (Matthew 2:5) yet they rejected just as many still do today.
  3. Shepherds. These simple men were witnesses. Luke 2:17 tells us all about how their lives were changed. They shared what they experienced with everyone they met. These men put most of us to shame.
  4. Magi. The wise men from the East. Most likely these fellows travelled from modern day Iran. They followed “the star.” Their reaction? Worship! It means to “intensely adore.” Their journey was approximately 1000 miles. Those are hard miles sitting on the top of a camel, yet their reaction was exactly like ours should be. Matthew 2:11.
  5. Joseph. Thinking about this righteous man, the word that comes to my mind is obedience. Matthew 1:24-25. We find this to be a beautiful trait in this man’s life.
  6. Mary. Luke 1:38 tells us of the heartbeat of this young lady. She was available. She was singing with great joy for what was happening. Luke 1:46 gives us words from Mary. “My soul doth magnify the Lord.” This is called “The Magnificat” or “Mary’s Song.”
  7. Simeon. He is an old man in the Temple. Luke 2:29-30 gives us the thought about this godly old man. He simply “saw” the salvation of Israel. His eyes were opened. He knew that Israel now had their long-awaited Messiah. After seeing the baby Jesus, his life was complete, and he was ready to die. With Christ in our hearts we also have those preparations made for our departing.
  8. Anna. Luke 2:37-38 gives us a good word about another aged saint. Her husband died when she was young. She dedicated herself to the work of God. I couldn’t help but think about two words for her. She was thankful and sacrificial.

These reactions are replicated every day. What is our reaction to Christmas? Without Christ there is no Christmas. What is the reaction I have toward Jesus? He is Lord of all. Each time I hear that wonderful name multiple thoughts race through my mind. He loves me and I love him. He saved me fifty plus years ago and I am still thrilled about it. He has guided my steps my whole life and it has been a blessing to me. To use the words of a song, my life has had “joy unspeakable and full of glory.” He has given me friends and family that have enriched my existence. He gave me purpose and a place to serve him. He has answered so many prayers I can’t keep count. He has allowed me to lead many others to himself so they can have what I have. He’s given me a Bible to instruct me in his paths and the words in it are forever settled in heaven. So, what are your reactions? Everyone has them. May they be like Joseph, Mary, Simeon, Anna, the Magi, and the shepherds.